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Age made North Curry’s church bells unsafe. We have raised over £150,000 to renew them. The first formal peal was rung to celebrate the Coronation of HM King Charles III.
​Bells have rung in North Curry church since at least the reign of Henry VIII. Half of the current bells are already over 200 years old.
They are a traditional part of the village, and not just for churchgoers. The bells are heard by all: most often in the church clock chimes, which sound every quarter, day and night; but they also mark the turning points of village and personal life, from births and weddings to funerals.
In 2021 ringing had to stop. The frame that supported all four tons of bells was unstable and damaged beyond repair by past alterations, beetles and the passage of time.
The best (and best-value) solution was to replace the frame and fittings and re-cast the bells. The bells will live on for centuries to come. The same notes will ring out, but more melodically. The clock will continue to chime.
To achieve this, we raised over £150,000. Until the installation is complete, we cannot be sure what the final cost will be.
This was the opportunity for us to secure our bells and bell-ringing in the Cathedral of the Moors for future generations - and we have seized it.
​To read more, click here:
The past
The need
The solution

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